Четверг, 09.01.2025
Будущий обвал биржи, тарифы Трампа, нефть, золото, доллар. Блог Яна Арта - 09.01.2024

China Forex Expo 2018

China Forex Expo 2018 is back on May 18th-19th

After a huge success of the 6th China Forex Expo 2017 with a massive turnout of over 6,000 potential partners and high-end clients and over 50,000 hits and 600 reviews of the live streaming of the conference, China Forex Expo 2018 is back again for all industry players to probe deeply into the Chinese forex market. The 7th China Forex Expo will be taking place on the 18th and 19th of May 2018 at Great China International Exchange Square of Shenzhen. It is a two-day event for traders, investors, affiliates, IBs, fintech companies and brokers from across China and the world.

As the new MiFID II and ESMA regulatory framework tightens up the European forex market, brokers and investors are driving offshore to a new markets like China. China investors and traders become much more active today, presenting a huge opportunity for offshore/local brokers, affiliates, money managers, technology providers, liquidity providers and other specialized services providers. Moreover, chinese unique cultural background makes it hard for overseas brokerage firms to maintain healthy relationship with clients and sometimes they even have no clue about how to enter the market, given several incidents that European-based brokers were physically threatened by angry investors. Thus, offline events and interaction become a must-attend for those planning to expand their clientele in China. In addition, concepts like blockchain, cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin gradually open people's mind here and many more are talking about it. What does Chinese think of cryptocurrencies? Is blockchain technology that good as it claims? What's the prospect of blockchain in China?

The 7th China Forex Expo is an excellent place for you to network, to share your insights, and to unlock the secrets of doing business in China. We have exhibition space for brokers and providers to promote their products and services and socialize, free lectures and panel discussions for audience to learn and interact with speakers, coffee zone and play zone for everyone to snatch a little leisure from a busy day.

Don't hesitate, come to China Forex Expo 2018 to make friends! If you want to book a booth, take a sponsor package, or join our panel discussion, please contact us at [email protected].

Contact details:
Tel: +86 21 3126 1015
Skype: chinaforexexpo
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.chinaforexexpo.com

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